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Shavonne Reed

Podcast Details:

In this episode, Shavonne Reed sits down for part 2 of 2 with Hanni Berger where they expand upon the tools and techniques that can be employed when you’re ready to put a high value on your overall wellness as well as the health of people around you.

About Hanni

The human body is perfect and will thrive if given a chance. This principle, supported by science and real-life stories, is at the core of Hanni Berger starting JOYVIAL.

As the CEO of JOYVIAL, Hanni leads a team of professional health coaches who help you live your healthiest, most JOYful life.

She is a native of Austria who became a US citizen in 2014. At the age of 13, seeing her parents go through their divorce, Hanni became a serious chocolate addict, one of many coping mechanisms she used to manage stress throughout her life. It would take over 25 years for her to find peace, but she did.

Today, after years of studying from the best in the health industry, Hanni has combined science-backed data, with her own real-world experience to share the most powerful techniques to reduce stress and start thriving again.



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